
We introduce Sennet Systems’ S/W development.

Our S/W Development

Sennet systems create a new world through
continuous effort and development
with our partners.

Foreign Exchange

What is Foreign/Forex?

The foreign system solution is a next-generation foreign exchange solution that maximizes the existing core banking system and forex/international banking system. It systemizes forex/international tasks such as Dealingbag office foreign/SWIFT work, hospitality work, and EDI task into the One-Stop Processing system. The system lies in between SWIFT and related legacies which allows easier preamble writing as well as control and monitoring of each system.

Foreign/Forex’s main features
  1. Eliminate redundancy work processing by integrating information accurately such as foreign exchange, international finance, EDI and CLS
  2. Generate repetitive sentences automatically from Web-based UI
  3. Telegram Integration Management : Telegram Integration Management for multiple regional centers
  4. Real-time monitoring: incoming/outgoing message monitoring along with its record printing
  5. Integrate various network chennels: transmit within an integrated system with SWIFT and Telex
  6. Reinforce the system security by access restriction : able to grant access by user and group in between regular teller and senior/manager